Tourism Sector Deal Broadband Competition bids closing 27 Sep 19

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DCMS have launched a Sector Deal related broadband competition, with the intent of awarding £250k in  average grants of c £30k  (+ or — as necessary) to venue of 400 plus seats, who have hosted at least one international conference in the last calendar year (from 15 August 19) and are bidding to host or are hosting at least one other international event in the coming calendar year (defined as at least 30% international delegates, + 50% preferred) and who wish to up grade to 1 Gbps full fibre broadband connections.

There are restriction on EU grant received in previous years. Although not a prerequisite preference will be given to projects will to match funding up to 50%. The bidding document also discusses the option for local business and residents to access the full fibre network, and claim up to £2,500 and £500 respectively against installation costs of a gigabit capable connection via mechanism of the gigabit voucher scheme; again preference goes to those demonstrating the capacity and a preparedness to stimulate local demand to participate .

I am assuming, because its DCMS scheme it is England only (?) but I am aware that negotiations about the Sector Deal which is potentially a UK wide concept continue. If it is open to other Home Nations I will let you know.

Clearly any destination with its own public, private or public/private sector  venue or venues may want to look at this interesting new funding opportunity. Bids close 27 September 2019.

More precis detail at:

The bidding form is at:  note apparently it has to be completed in a single session.



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