and some thoughts about our services

We recently surveyed a range of members, non-members and previous members to understand what services are most valued from British Destinations and where we should focus our efforts.  This survey helped us to gather up-to-date feedback from the tourism industry our services and how we can best serve our members in the future.

Some of the key findings are outlined below:

Current British Destinations members mainly value our representation of their views at a national level across major agencies, departments and with public and private sector industry interests.  They also positively benefit from our formal and informal responses to policy and strategy papers and consultations and our tactical and strategic lobbying on industry issues.

Importantly, members (and previous members) benefit from our sharing of best practice, industry news, views and updates and our provision of data, intelligence and research.

These services were also ranked the most important when members (and previous members) where asked to rank services in order of importance.   Respondents also rated the level of influence that British Destinations has on the national tourism platform as strong.

Please do share your thoughts and comments